More Stuff

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

World War II Project - STuGs - Basic Camo

There was finally sometime from the rush of the holidays to get some painting in. The STuGs received their basic coat of dunkelgelb followed by the red brown and green patterns. My airbrush work still needs some refinement but it’s getting better. I was able to achieve the mottled look that came from the reference book I was using. I wrapped up the day with a coat of satin varnish so they are ready for decals.

I did finish the Christmas cards in time, was just to rushed to take pictures.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Monday, December 7, 2020

Printing - Its not easy being Green

 Printing continues - green is color #2. I should be finishing that today and moving on to the black. I'm dreading the black at the moment since it contains all the lettering. At this point I'm quite pleased with how well the red and green have come together.

I'm sure other printers are cringing at seeing my messy work surface.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Printing - Red is Finished

Its amazing how much work is involved in a simple design when you start adding colors. First up in the printing process is red. 90 impressions or so,later the red was finished. Messy process but I learned a couple things to make it go a little quicker. You would think that having run a printing press for two years that I would be neater with the ink. I had forgotten how easily ink just gets on everything if you aren't paying attention.

With the red done I can move on to the green.

Everything layed out. The white cards in the corner are proofs. I use those to make sure everything is lining up. There are 5-6 fresh ones just to the right that only have red right now.

Cards racked and stacked for drying. I don't need the red to completely dry before applying the green, so I'll launch right into that part next.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020