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Friday, January 13, 2012

Go Packers!

 If the background on my blog here didn't make it obvious let me tell you that I am a Packer fan, I bleed green and gold. Today lunch featured a rather heated discussion today about the upcoming playoff games this weekend. As any diehard football fan knows the Green Bay Packers will be facing off against the NY Giants this weekend. My company's main office is in NY so there has been some good natured trash talk all week. Maybe even more so since I live in the Denver area and the Denver Broncos are not my team (so don't ask me about Tim Tebow, I don't know and I don't care). So why the Packers? Family tradition certainly plays a big part, my family is from Wisconsin. Just as was done with me, I indoctrinated my boys into the Packer fan fraternity at an early age and at one point we could put four generations of Packer fans in front of the TV (sadly we have been down to 3 generations for some time now). It is a franchise with a proud history and expects the members of its organization to be professional at all times, on and off the field. They do not tolerate the inflated egos you see on so many other NFL teams, you play for the team, you represent the team and you win as a team. Perhaps most of all though this is a team that truly belongs to the fans, the proof hangs on the wall in my room, one share of stock in the Green Bay Packers, yes I am part owner of an NFL franchise. So while the players of the Giants trash talk, the Packers are quietly working away on winning the game on Sunday. And they will do it the same way they have all season, throwing the ball, running the ball, and taking advantage of every turnover. I would like to welcome the Giants to playoff football in the Frozen Tundra.

1 comment:

  1. Im an aussie Pack fan, not fanatical NFL but I usually watch what ever games are being televised live most monday mornings and not one packers game all season so far and almost the same last season. :-(

    Im assuming the NFL considers in advance each week what games to export, on what ever basis. If it wasn't for the fear of turning into a TV junkie I would almost, almost consider cable but then I like being the only person I know without it :-)
