More Stuff

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Workroom

I have been quite on the posting front because another project was occupying my attention. I have spent time over the last few months and a lot this last week taking down my old darkroom and converting it into a proper painting space. There is still some stuff to do and clean up but it is to the point were I can start painting in it. The under shelf lights are some wicked expensive LED lights, but they are very bright and run very cool and will last a long time.. Overhead are two sets of 4' fluorescent lights and of course I can pull out all kinds of extra light if I want. The workbench top is a hollow core door so there is plenty of space to work on. The airbrush station is sitting on its own table. the compressor sits underneath and I can add a lot more light if I need to. Its vented out the back and up into the crawl space.

I have managed to fill all this space up and I still haven't managed to get everything into it. I'll have to really work at getting the stuff underneath cleaned up for more miniature and game storage space.

So really pictures say it all.
Airbrush Station with Reference Books and Games Above
Reference and Rule books
 Old Space Hulk Marines and ...Books!
 Mostly Rulebooks here
 Some Seriously old gaming books

Empty Space! How did that happen?
 Osprey Books

 Modeling Books
 Reference Books, who would have thought
 The Traveller Section. This may have to get moved else where so free up mini storage space
 A few clamps

 And behind the workbench more shelves!


  1. That's a nice space Kris. Well lit, plenty of space, clean and tidy. Now I noticed a pic of three lovely ladies you have on the wall to help inspire you to paint!!

    I'm off to sleep and you're probably off to work!

    1. Well, I'm off to work now! That's a Keith Parkinson piece on the wall there, it was a piece he did for his card game called Guardians. Yes, its neat now, and I'll try and keep it that way, but entropy and I are on good terms with each other.

  2. Very nice, you have a lot of books. I've been thinking about rearranging my game room, taking down a lot of action figures that are on the walls and adding shelves for storage.

    Can we get a close up of the picture with the three ladies?


    1. I'll see what I can do about getting a close up of that. Its not one of the best reproductions that he did. I think the original may have been a little smaller and the blow-up lacks a little resolution.

    2. How about a link directly to his website for that?

  3. Replies
    1. I'm pleased with it but the camera makes it look a lot more spacious than it really is.

  4. That's a great collection of books Kris!!!

    1. I do love my books! That's not even all of them, I can't get everything in there the way I hoped I would be able to so some are going to have to stay out on the other shelves.

  5. That's a damn nice space Kris, very neat at the moment!

    1. Very neat at the moment, its not likely to stay that way but I'm going to try. I'm a natural born pack rat and stuff just accumulates way faster than it should.

  6. I'm posting my Cast of Characters today and you're playing the Sheriff-the lone voice of Law and Order in the Wild Outposts of Canada. The sculpt is great and was done by Tom Meier. If you have time to, stop by and see who all your co-characters are.

    1. I just checked out, very exciting! If I'm the lone voice though I want to have a big voice. Can't wait to see the mini!

  7. Great looking space for modeling - I'll need to clean mine up before I can show it in public - the EPA might come by and shut me down!

    1. I was kind of in that boat myself and there is still a bunch of stuff underneath the table that needs to go somewhere else. Just don't tell the EPA okay?
