More Stuff

Monday, May 20, 2013

Birthday Week - Giveaway

Well, my birthday is this week and it is one of the big ones. I thought I would celebrate it "Hobbit" style and instead of receiving gifts I would give some gifts instead. Its also an act of complete desperation as I try to break the 100 followers mark! I have been hanging at 97 for weeks it seems (and wouldn't you know it jumped to 99 as I typed this). Besides everyone else is doing it so I figured I could jump on the band wagon. Its an interesting mix of stuff, it reflects both my hobbies. Unfortunately I didn't find any true narrow gauge stuff but I think a couple of the books are worth a look if you are interested in the SP or the ATSF. The only thing that is really missing from this is any historical units, sorry, just can't quite give any of those up yet, maybe next year! And as it has become traditional the photos aren't particularly good

Here is the loot that will be randomly given away:

1) Reaper Mouslings: Two of these are currently in production 3577 Asiago Jones and  3576 Lara Craft. The third I can't find so I think he is the Convention Mousling from 2011. All I can tell you is he is wearing a badge.

2) And now a book: The Southern Pacific in Los Angeles. I had picked this up thinking that it would have some information on the ATSF Warehouse district. There were a couple of references to the ATSF in the book but not what I had hoped for.

3) McVey Studios - Vianna. I bought this one when it first came out and set it aside, the detail is so fine that it kind of scared me. Later Marike Reimer won the first Crystal Brush with this piece and I bought it again forgetting that I already had it.

4) Sante Fe...Steel Rails Through California, quite frankly I'm not sure where or when I picked this one up but it doesn't cover the area I'm interested in!

5) Victoria Lamb Miniatures Torgo's Trench Raiders. I love Victoria Lamb's work and I just picked these up from her when she came down to Texas after ReaperCon. If they had been her Imperial Guard minis I would have kept them but I can't think of anything I'm going to do with them. Hopefully somebody can use these beautiful pieces. She does great work.

6) Another book! The Polar Bears: Monty's Left Flank, Patrick Delaforce. Somehow along the line I managed to pick up two copies of this one. 

7) Defiance Games UAMC Infantry. When this hit the market I was very excited about it because I was thinking about doing Traveller in 28mm. I have since changed my mind and have gone to 15mm instead. So these are surplus. And no I never received the special edition Marine Sgt that was supposed to be shipped because I pre-ordered it.

8) Okay, something a little different for the model railroaders. An Exact Rail, Platinum Series Southern Pacific 62' Insulated Box Car in HO Scale. I bought this for my ATSF Warehouse District without paying attention to the length and its a bit to long for the layout. It won't make the curve in the brick canyon I have planned.

9) From Dark Sword Miniatures a Keith Parkinson MAsterworks Box  DSM 2002. I have intended to paint these for years but the sculpts just don't appeal to me.

10) And now another  Exact Rail, Platinum Series 62' Insulated Box Car for the D&RGW in HO Scale.

11) The last item up is another Dark Sword Miniatures Caldwell DSM 3001. Again something I intended to paint but the sculpts don't appeal to me. Maybe they will appeal to someone else.

12) The last one is a book I stumbled across and I think its a must if you are interested in WWI,
"His Time in Hell, A Texas Marine in France". The World War I memoir of Warren R Jackson. He fought from Verdun through Belleau Wood to the end of the War as part of the 6th Marine Regiment. A fascinating memoir that simply needs to be shared. I hope somebody out there will enjoy it.

So there are a dozen items, my gifts to you.

Here are the rules (because I'm a gamer and there must be rules).

1) You must be a public follower of my blog (just click that nifty follower button on the right if    you aren't a follower all ready). Sounds kind of like a cult but that's the rule.

2) Make a comment in this post (Like Santa Claus I will be cross checking followers to comments) and tell me what bits of loot you are interesting in (yes, you can just be in for all of them). This comment gets you one entry into the drawing for each item you are interested in.

3) There are no bonuses for additional comments! I have enough to do without counting how many times you manage to comment ;-)

4) There is a bonus for linking this post on your own blogs though. That will get two additional entries into each of  the drawings you are interested in. Although you do have to tell me about it, especially if you are brand new, shiny follower.

5) The cut-off date is May 29th and I'll announce the winners a couple of days after that. Hopefully I'll be able to ship everything out during the first week of June or so.

Thanks and Good Luck!


  1. i want ALL the fantasy minis (minus the rats)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations on passing the 100-follower mark! I'm in for the drawing, for prizes 1 and 3.

    I've also publicized your drawing on my blog, Dispatches from the Rim. Here's the link:

    1. Thanks! I have you on the list for 1 and 3. I had looked at In Her Majesty's Name, but didn't pull the trigger on that one. I'm curious to know what you think about it. Some of the minis are great and others just leave me cold.

  4. Roper says the SP and Santa Fe books have a place waiting for them in his library ( :

    Happy Birthday Kris!


    1. Roper is truly an amazing dog! Is there anything you need for your library?

  5. Hi saw you on reaper. I am interested in 1,3,5,9 and 11. I don't have my own blog cause frankly I'm not all that interesting but I am going to share you. Maybe I'll snake some extra entries that way lol.

    1. I will certainly take that into consideration.

  6. Put me down for 5, 9 and 11 Kris. Of course I'll do a post with a link back.

    Did you get my email?

    1. Thanks for the heads up Anne, I just replied to your email this morning. Missed it completely.

  7. Hi I'm interested in any of the miniatures, well mostly the mouslings and fantasy ones, and Happy Birthday Kris. Post more western town progress.

    1. With the my convention season basically over I'll be getting back to Calamity. I have five minis I'm working on right now that I hope to get posted by the weekend. Otherwise Calamity is going to look more like a ghost town!

  8. Happy Birthday! I'm interested in the Trench Raiders and UAMC infantry.

    1. Good luck on the Trench Raiders! I do love those miniatures.

  9. Here's the link to my post

    Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy birthday!
    Hopefully it's not the big one where you get cheaper movie tickets! I'm close to a big one myself, as a grunt that makes me ancient! ;)
    Put me down for #12, I have for a long time wanted to skirmish in WW1. As another infantryman wrote it, I shouldn't have trouble with the "big" words. ;)

    1. No cheap tickets yet, that one is still a little ways off. I'm sure you will like this one. If you don't win it here then you should be able to find a used copy somewhere.

    2. Posted a link, and it appears to have worked!

  11. Nice on Kris, well done on passing the 100 followers mark, I'm sure you'll be adding quite a few more with this givaway!! Stick my name in the hat please!!!!!

    1. Am I sticking your name in the hat for everything Ray? With your luck you would win it all and what are you going to do with a couple of HO scale boxcars. Or are you a closet model railroader as well?

  12. I must admit I wandered here via Anne's Attic Blog. (So blame her!). I also helped found and run a small convention (show) this side of the pond. This being the third year it's been going. But it is growing steadily each year and we are attracting more and larger traders each time.

    As for you very generous giveaway. I would be grateful if you would enter me in for the Defiance games UMAC box set. I have thought of getting these myself and the bugs they do but have as yet not seen them in England.

    Yours with kind regards Clint

    1. Thanks for wandering over. Conventions take a lot of time and effort. I have been involved with two of the local game conventions since their inception. Genghis Con has been run 34 times and I have done just about everything at one time or another. Nowadays I'm down to just handling the auction and the painting competition.

    2. I am the club wrangler. By that I mean Organising the table space, getting the tables they need and generally liaising between the clubs putting on games at the show and making sure they are all set on the day. It really is like Herding cats!

    3. I have definitely done that! Although we have that split into two different jobs. I would lay out the space for tables and then inform/negotiate with the various event organizers to either what they have available or what they were going to get. I have been on both sides of that.

    4. We are only a small club and three of us are running the whole event. So we all have to take on more than one role. Some family members are even manning the door and selling tickets. What is disappointing is that the majority of the club are sitting back and doing nothing. But with clubs as with life that is always the way. Great to talk to someone the other side of the pond who has walked a mile in my shoes as it were.

    5. Our cons aren't run by the clubs, the small one has 800-900 people in attendance and the big one is starting to push 2000 again. But, we have the same problem with our club and getting people to participate. I think we have 30-35 members and you can usually only count on 3-4 guys to actually do anything. We have definitely walked a mile in each other's shoes!

  13. Happy Birthday! I'm interested in the Dark Sword Miniatures.

    I am amused that you went old school for the Traveller minis. ;-)

    1. I guess its just not Traveller if its not in 15mm. I even stumbled across a bunch of my old Martian Metal 15mm Traveller minis. The stuff available today is so much nicer though.

  14. Happy Birthday! I'd be interested in the cool fantasy minis...

    Hope you have a great day!

    1. Good Luck, maybe one of those will be heading your way.

  15. So Happy birthday, and congratulations on breaking a 100 followers (I'm number 108)!

    Since I'm actually interested in both trains and games please sign me up for everything except the books. I have too many books and they take up too much space really.

    1. Not enough space for books? I'm not sure how I would deal with that. But its good to see another model railroader here!

    2. Well, I don't have space for a permanent layout either right now. :-(

      Now and then me and the kids build a big layout on the floor and run the trains until my wife comes home.

    3. Not enough space for a permanent layout is a chronic problem. I have the space, but not the time. The LA Warehouse district is setup to built on the two halfs of a bifold door that I took apart. I have the track laid on one half but I still need to get the track down on the other half.

  16. Happy Birthday! Followed the link Anne had on her blog. I'm interested in # 4, 8, & 10


  17. Happy Birthday! as above I stumbled upon your blog by Anne's blog. I would be interested in everything except for lot 2. I will post about your giveaway within some days quite busy at the moment and thanks for organizing this great event. Cheers

    Ps: will post the link later on here.

    1. Thanks for stopping in. I see Anne's blog is bringing a lot of folks over already.

    2. Link now posted on my own blog:


    3. A scholar and a gentleman, thank you sir!

  18. Happy Birthday! I added you to my RSS feeds. If I win, I'd be most interested in the minis, especially the Dark Sword ones.

  19. Happy Birthday! Count me in for draws 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11!

  20. Happy Birthday!
    Please count me in for 1,5 and 7!
    I'll add to my blog at lunch later today to pimp your giveaway!

    1. I have you down with extra entries! Its like an extra order of fries.

  21. Happy birthday. Count me as a follower. I'd like to be included in the drawing for 6 and 12. Nothing against your selection of miniatures and trains, but others will enjoy them more than I.

    1. Not a problem at all, as long as you saw something that you might enjoy. Not like that Rousell character who's in for everything!

  22. Happy Birthday.

    I've lurked your blog on a few occasions so now you have me and you are over a 100. Congrats.

    I'm interested in 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 11 though I eventually plan to get back into model railroading, I have too many hobbies at the moment to justify it.

    Have a great birthday.


    1. Pinged you on my blog (been slackin' off anyway) and copied Miniatures Community on G+.

    2. You have been busy this morning! I have to many hobbies myself and my railroading suffers because of it. However, with my town of Calamity I can at least combine them a little bit.

  23. 5, 7, 8 and 10 for me Kris, I'll post a link back this week and Happy Birthday as well!

    1. Got it Fran. Hopefully you will beat Ray out for one of these! Now what you are thinking of doing with those boxcars?

  24. Hey, first of all, Happy Birthday!!

    I could link this post to my blog, but I just created it (two days ago) and wouldn´t be fair and productive, after all I don´t have any viewers yet and when I will, the promotion will be long gone. Anyway, I will surely link your site in mine (if you don´t mind).

    PS. Almost forget, I´ll really like the Vianna or any of the Dark Sword Miniatures.

    1. Link Away! I'll get a link setup for your site and who knows what might spill your way. In the end its all about the community.

  25. Happy birthday! And 1, 3, 1, 9, 11, oh, and yeah, 1 are all great.

    Hrm. Mousling obsessed much?

    1. I see you trying to slip in another entry for those mouslings! Folks must like them though Gene had like 25 different mousling concept sketches on his table at ReaperCon.

  26. Happy birthday Kris! I would be intererested in the mouslings and Dark Sword items.

    1. Gotcha covered Scott. At least I won't have to mail any of this to you if you win.

  27. Nice way to celebrate a birthday. Maybe, I will have to do something like this next year.
    3, 9, 11

    1. It worked out to be a good excuse to go in and sort through things, that's for sure!

  28. Happy birthday!

    As far as minis goes, Studio McVey resins are my favorites! Want that Al-Vianna sooo bad.

    Love, Cash

    1. Best I can do is make sure you are on the list. The fickle gods of fate will determine the rest!

    2. I guess if I can't con you into multiple entries I might as well stack the deck since she seems a popular pick :)

      Throw my hat in for the Dark Sword boxes, too (but only if I don't win the McVey! :)

  29. I'm in for 1,3,5,9 and 11. More minis is always good.

    Have a great birthday.

    1. That's usually the case for sure. I'm just trying to avoid accumulating a mass so large that I can't remove it from the house.

  30. Very Many Happy returns Kris, I hope it's not too big a birthday! A very generous giveaway too, but given the extortionate price in postage costs to old Blighty, I won't enter for myself; if however I am permitted to enter by proxy and my number comes up perhaps young Miss O'Leary could receive my winnings, I understand she is after 5, 9 and 11.

    1. That's very generous of you. I'll do just that.

  31. Replies
    1. You are definitely in. Now what are you in for?

  32. I"m in. Interested in pretty much any of the miniatures.

  33. Happy Birthday. I might use this system of gift giving when my birthday rolls around in December. by then I'm sure I'll have more then enough minis to be giving away. *goes through mental checklist of kickstarter rewards that are supposed to arrive between now and then*

    I'm in for 3,5,7,9 and 11, especially 3, 9 and 11 though. Nifty minis.

    I'll be sending out a message from my tumblr( when I get home letting my 3? followers know about this.

    1. Kickstarter has certainly increased the number of unpainted minis in my house! I think minis from five different kickstarters have arrived since the beginning of May. The more the merrier!

  34. Posted to my G+ and Facebook accounts.. Interested in 3, 9 and 11


    1. Got, I think that's worthy of some extra entries.

  35. Happy Birthday! I'm another from the Reaper Boards who has lurked a few times and is now jumping on the bandwagon. (I'm on a miniatures blog kick, anyway!)

    Kindly put me in the pool for the McVey and DarkSword minis--I love 'em all!

    1. Always nice to see a friendly handle. You're down for some McVey and Dark Sword.

  36. Happy birthday! At the time of this writing, you seem to have over 130 followers, so apparently bribery works!

    You have an impressive pile of loot. I like all of it, but the Darksword and studio McVey stuff draws me the most.

    1. Got it, some more entries into the McVey and Darksword mini race. Yes, bribery definitely seems to be working!

  37. Well wishes!

    I'd be interested in 3,5,7,9 and 11.

    1. Got it, more entries for the miniatures! I thought those might prove to be a little popular.

  38. Just wishing you a happy birthday. My luck has been no good on the giveaways lately and honestly I have so much stuff to paint I think it would be bad to dilute everyone elses chances.

    1. If you change your mind just let me know Sean, Surely Ray's luck cannot continue to hold.

  39. Kris,
    Happy, happy Birthday! This is very generous of you. I would like to be in for 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11. I'd go for twelve but already have it.

    I'll just point out that the shipping would be very cheap, free in fact.

  40. Happy Birthday!
    Please count me in for draws 1, 7, and 12 please. Thanks for an awesome contest!

  41. Happy Birthday! I'd love any minis.

  42. Happy Birthday!

    May it be a good one. Half a century, now whatchs' gonna do with the other half?

    1. Make better decisions? That could be a goal for the second half.

  43. Greetings, a friend passed me your website, as we share a few interests. My railroading is mostly passive, on others' pikes; my miniatures wargaming is much the same.

    That said, I'm interested in 1,6,9,11, 12.

    1. I certainly understand about a railroad being in passive mode. I don't really have the opportunity to operate on someone else's pike. Sense I'm incorporating and On30 railroad into my town of Calamity I'm hoping it will become a little less passive!

  44. Happy Birthday Kris!

    I would be interested in any of the books or the UAMC.

    1. Welcome! I have you down for the the books and the marines then. Good luck!

  45. Happy Birthday!
    No Railroad stuff or Mouslings.

    1. Gotcha, no mouslings, no railroad. Good luck!

  46. Happy Birthday!

    This is a pretty cool idea. If I ever get good enough to have a blog I might borrow it.

    I like fantasy stuff (mouslings are fantasy imo).

    1. Seems like a lot of the gaming and mini blogs are doing it so I just managed to add my own little twist. Feel free to borrow it for your own blog! I'll add you to the mini lists!

  47. Happy Birthday Kris...and I' m in for 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11 ;-)


    1. By the way...I' m pimping... :-)

    2. And pimping will certainly increase your chances. Thank you!

  48. Happy Birthday!

    Please put me in the bag for 3, 5, 9 and 11.

    1. Thank you Derek. I have you down for those miniatures, good luck!

  49. Hey,
    I figured there weren't too many wargamers who were also model railroaders other than myself. :-)
    I would be willing to placed down for any items that I might be lucky enough to "win".
    All the best,

    1. There are a few of out there, not many though.

  50. Hoping you had a great birthday. Yet another visitor from Reaper. This will be the 2nd or 3rd attempt to post a comment (machines at my end presenting issues). As quoted below from the forum thread pretty much any of the odd numbered items would interest me.

    "I am in for any or all of the miniatures. I am going to try to add your blog as an ally of mine (if I can login to my blog for some reason it is pitching a fit).

    I was once a Model RR enthusiast (from about age 5-8) but I let that hobby go.

    -Pendrake (TGP on the Reaper Forum)"

    1. Well, you are in before the 5/29 deadline and that's all that counts in the end!

  51. wow, this is a neat idea. I'm interested in the Alien War and Darksword Minis. Thanks Doug

    1. I think its been pretty successful so far too! I have you down for Alien War and Dark Sword minis.

  52. Great Blog!
    I see you are into Railroad boardgames, have you tried Ticket to Ride, my friends and I enjoy it!

    If I am not too late, please put me down for all the fantasy,
    See you on the Reaper forums also.

    1. You are not to late! I'll have you down for 1, 3, 9 and 11. I do enjoy Ticket to Ride. I have copies of every version they have produced so far, although I haven't had a chance to play all of them. The 18xx series of games are still my favorite, followed by the Empire Builder series from Mayfair.

  53. Great idea!

    I'm interested in Torgo's Trench Raiders, the McVey figure and the Masterworks Fantasy. :)

    1. I have you down for those but in red. Sign up as a follower so I can change the color to black!

  54. Just made it in

    Happy Birthday

    I would like to be in for the Defiance miniatures figs and the Dark sword ones

    I also pledge that when I get up to 100 followers on my blog I will also do a giveaway

    1. I have you down for Defiance and Dark Sword, double D as it were. Let's see if I can help you out with the 100 follower goal now.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks for joining Kris (and Anne)

      Having had another look at your goodies can you please put me in for the Beastmen trench raiders as well

  55. I'd be interested in any of the minis, as well as the rail car.

    Thanks, and nice blog you have here. I'll need to check your past entries soon.

  56. Alright. My self pity party is over. I'll throw my name in for 9 and 11, the darksword stuff.

    1. Don't recall if you were doing a bonus or not but I pimped the giveaway here. Although it's so late it probably shouldn't count. Also, although I'm not a model railroader I appreciate the craft used for modelling terrain and scenery and my grandfather was an engineer for SP. I believe he drove the plow that freed the City of San Francisco on Jan 13, 1952.

    2. I have you down Sean. Yes, there was a bonus for pimping it on your blog. Its a little late but I didn't set a time limit on it either.

  57. you are a generous guy happy birthday im interested in 1,3,5,7,9,11

    1. And you are officially the last one in! Good Luck!
