More Stuff

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Amazon Archers beyond Skin (Finally!)

I set aside my competition entries for a bit and did a little more work on the Amazon archers. I finished off the skin tones (there is still some work to be done but that can wait) and moved on to the hair. I decided to go with dark brunettes for this, while "historically" the area produced mostly black hair I wanted something lighter for this. Fitz seems to spend a lot of time sculpting hair and I wanted to go a little farther than I normally would for a tabletop army. These are becoming a real time sink! I finished the hair though (I could probably do some more highlighting, I'll think on that) and decided to start blocking in the colors for the cloth. I'm starting off with a deep purple, red and green. I wanted to add some variety this way, since almost everything else is going to be a leather of one color or another. I think these will work.

Pictures (I know, or it didn't happen). I didn't have my grey background with me so these are a bit washed out.

Archer Type 1/ This is where I ended with the skin. There is still some work to do on the face, like the lips and mouth but I needed a break from the face.

Archer Type 2

Archer Type 3

Archer Captain

That's a lot of skin!

Archer Type 1; The darkest layer of the hair

Archer Type 3

Archer Type 2

Archer Type 3: Hair is pretty much finished at this point. Maybe some additional highlights later.

Archer Type 2

Archer Type 1

Group "Hair" Shot

Blocking in the dress colors. From left to right: Reaper MSP 9664 Carnival Purple (an LE color),  Reaper MSP 9663 Big Top Red (another LE color), and Reaper MSP 9226 Peacock Green. I'm not quite sure where I'm going to go with the rest of that right now.


  1. nice figures and very good start !
    as you point it, the problem with Amazons is that they have a lot of skin !! ;)

    1. Yea, I just had to move away from all that skin to feel like I was making any progress!
