More Stuff

Saturday, May 2, 2015

ReaperCon 2015 - Day 1

I'm several days behind posting at this point but I finally found a few spare moments to show off what has been happening at ReaperCon this year. We are back at the HGI in Lewisville TX and its a nice site for us. They are starting to outgrow it a bit so I'm not sure we will be back next year or not.

As usual pictures show things off better than I can write about them.

Some of the games being setup for the convention. Most of these are running multiple times over the course of the convention.

This is MBA's table, full of Miniature Building Authority Terrain.

Vendors; some are ready to go some are still setting up.


Hanger 18

Vitalie Photography

Tom Meier at DGS running a demo of Freeblades

The water version of the famous Reaper Dungeon Crawl

The original (well almost original) Dungeon Crawl. This game has been part of the show since 2005. I ran it for years

TGJ Hobbies, makers of lasercut paint racks. They announced their launched their kickstarter on Friday

TheTardis for all your priming needs


  1. Replies
    1. Cool looking and fun! You could play some of these all convention long if you wanted to.
