More Stuff

Sunday, September 20, 2015

CMPA 3rd Saturday Painting

Third Saturday of every month is the CMPA's monthly painting get together. We are currently painting at Total Escape Games in Broomfield, CO from 10:30am - 4pm. If you are local or visiting the area feel free to stop in and paint with us or just sit down and chat for a while.

Today I broke out the revolutionary war minis I have been slowly working on. This batch includes a mix of Fife & Drum, Minden and Wargames Factory. I received a bonus on this paycheck so I went ahead an picked up the Warlord Games Red Devils 1000pt army box. Its been on the shelves for a long time so I was able to negotiate a discount on it. I also picked up a Vickers MMG, a 3# Mortar and a Piat and Light Mortar pack. I'll have to stash these away for a bit though to many other projects in front of them.

Skin is done, just waiting on some clothes!

Skin is done, and their clothes are started. Need to be sure not to get to uniform with the colors on these. Militia wore mostly civilian clothes. So more random in appearance than the line troops.

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