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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Building Calamity 17 - The "Hardware" Store - Scribing the Planks

I still haven't decided on the wallpaper I want to use on the inside of this building. I'll probably go with a couple of different patterns since the rooms have different functions. The add on shack at the back won't get any wallpaper so I just scribed planks on both sides of those pieces. What makes this exterior visually interesting is the false front and the back shack use horizontal planks while the sides and rear use vertical planks. Should add some more visual interest on the board.

Scribing is not terribly difficult just tedious. I marked all the major planks to be 12" wide and cut those with my knife. I then used a razor saw to scribe in a bit of grain to all the exterior sides and the floors. When I have a chance I prime all of these pieces and then glue the wallpaper to the interior walls. I'll try to be a bit neater this time!

The left side, the exterior stairway is on this side.

The right side

The false front

The back

The pieces that make up the back extension.


  1. What have you decided for splitting the building into floors? Are you going to cut it into trays, or some other system?

    1. I think I'm going to go with a completely removable second floor. That will give me the best access to the first floor. I just need to come up with a way to keep the second floor in place and square to the rest of the building. Some beams on the underside of the floor should do the trick.
