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Friday, January 13, 2017

Clue - Star Wars Edition

I fully admit that I have not played all of the different versions of Clue that I own (and the number keeps on growing). The Star Wars edition may have just vaulted to the top of the list though, it easily has one of the coolest boards of any of the boxed editions (don't worry your Franklin Mint Clue is still the coolest around).  In this version you are playing on a 3D version of the Death Star. This particular edition is produced by Hasebro and at least at this point you can still find in the store. So don't go out and pay $60 on eBay for this one till you have checked out your local Toys R Us where it might even be on sale!

What's different? Well besides the board this is a non-murder version of the Game. Instead you are trying to determine the Death Star's target planet, the space ship you are going to escape in and which room on the Death Star the plans reside in.

Along with the regular clue cards are the corridor cards. If you end your move in a corridor then you will draw from this deck, you might be captured by Stormtroopers! To end the game you must move to the docking bay before announcing what you think the three elements are. There are two levels of the Death Star to play on with elevators on each end (which take the place of the hidden passageways in the regular game).

Looks its going to be a blast to play!

I know it looks like a piece is missing but this is the playing board. The section missing contained the piece that has the vertical supports for the second level of play.


  1. I wondered if you were going to get this one!

    It certainly looks fun. I wonder how "playable" it is though, with the overhang?

    1. It shouldn't be to bad. Most of the movement is in the corridors on the outside edge. I'm willing to put up with a lot to play on the Death Star!
