More Stuff

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Reaper Miniatures - Shipping Container - Break on Through to the Other Side

I'm still frustrated with the dog on the Lani side, so I decided it was time to get some work done on the other side. I spent far less time on the refining at this point and concentrated on getting all the major elements in place. Ran into a problem with the red in the letters right off, started off with a shade that was way to dark and had to lighten it up. I'm happy with the end result but I spent more time on that than I had anticipated. I'm still up in the air on what to put on the ends, I need to think of something relatively quickly though.

Here is the progress so far:

The first outline

Edging the yellow with black

On goes the first way to dark shade of red

The final shade of red which ended up being Republique Red (OOP) with some Saffron yellow to lighten it.

Black outline for the skull

Interior white outline

Filled with Vampiric shadow. very close to the colors of the actual logo

The evenings players