More Stuff

Friday, August 4, 2017

World War II Project - Characters - Stoessi's Heroes

I have been looking at the miniatures from Stoessi's Heroes for a while now but was just not interested enough to pull the trigger on an order, partially because there just wasn't enough that interested me to make an overseas order. That is until I saw these two packs of minis:

I have had my mind on a small diorama featuring the characters from Hogan's Heroes for a long time. These are the first miniatures I have found based on the TV show. I think I can manage to find one or two more minis that I can convert to do a couple of the other characters and I will be all set to go now.

Since I was going to make an order I decided to get some American and British paratroopers to bulk up the character of those forces as well.

I think these are pretty high quality miniatures, detail is crisp and mold lines appear to be pretty light. They are not cast with integral bases or even tabs, not a problem for me since I would be cutting them off to go on my own bases anyway. I'm looking forward to getting these into the painting queue!


  1. Looking forward to seeing these treasures painted and posed.

    1. I'm just trying to decide which one to do first.

  2. Oh please share your painted versions with us. We love to see painted heroes. :)

    1. You can count on that! I'm just waiting for some US and German troops to arrive from the Brigade Games Kickstarter and I'll be kicking into a higher gear getting my WWII miniatures painted up.
