More Stuff

Friday, March 31, 2023

A Brick Building from the ground up - Part 5

The basic building is together and now I need to decide how far I want to go with it. At this point I have basically assembled all the smaller details and they are ready to go on, but since some of them are a bit fragile I really need to get it on a base. The little concrete sidewalk that came with it is only meant for the background flat version. Since I expanded it into a square shape it doesn't work so I need to solve that before gluing on things like stairs and railings. All of this really needs to be finished before I start weathering it.

Here's my progress so far:
It definitely needs a roof and the original wasn't going to fit anymore. I started off by adding bracing around the edges for it to rest on. The wood I used is serious overkill for this but its what I had on hand.

Since I was making a roof I figured I should make some floors too. The roof is a bit of 800 grit wet/dry sand paper glued to a piece of cardboard from a cereal box. For the floors I found some floor paper I had printed out for another project and there was enough left to make these. Again just paper glued to thin cardboard. I have no idea if I'm going to use the floors but I figured since I was making a roof the floors would be quick and easy to make even if I don't use them for this building.

Here is the roof in place. Its not glued down at this point. This is a point where the kit falls down a bit. There is nothing provided to cover the shell and the edges of the built up cornice. Not to mention the inside edge. I need to think through this bit. I could probably just go the printed paper route for this, like I did for the floors.

Here are the remaining pieces. Some kind of roof mounted air vent, a chimney, a big roof decoration and two sets of steps one for the front and one for the back.

To be frank the roof is looking pretty bare at this point and I have no intention of using the chimney it just doesn't fit in very well. I need to build that sidewalk and foundation so I guess that's really the next step. Maybe order some extra bits to dress the building up as well.

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