More Stuff

Monday, May 6, 2024

Alice and Johnny (Charing Cross 1940) By Scale 75

Time seems to be a rare commodity these days. Spring has threatened to come early here and we have been trying to take advantage of that and get our yard and patio area ready for summer. Here in Colorado its typically not safe to put in the garden until after Mother's Day and its safer to wait for Memorial Day. Just depends on how much you like to plant everything twice.

I started messing around with this kit from Scale 75 about a month ago and its been slowly coming together. There are a couple of areas that are being contentious because the fit wasn't quite right, but nothing that couldn't be overcome. I did remove all the massive bolt detail on the interior side though. Unfortunately I waited until I had done some assembly work...oops. The sub assemblies are just about ready for painting now. Here's a little look at the work so far.

Note the large bolts on the ends of the interior wood panels.

The casting is a little rough under the seat. Odds are it won't be noticed but I'll fix it anyway.

The side doesn't sit square to the floor. Higher on the right, exposing the edge.

Fixed it here, the "pins" that hold it in place needed to be filed down to allow the side to fit correctly.

Floor, end and side walls glued together. Leaving off some of the more delicate components at this point.

Sub Assemblies so far. The truck is not fastened to the base at this point. Otherwise I can't paint the base completely so what looks like one assembly (upper right) is actually two. The roof does not fit correctly so I'll add that after everything has been painted but before I finish weathering. Johnny's left arm is at a pretty awkward angle. I considered assembling him in place but that would have made painting really difficult.

Still in the box; Alice (in three parts), plus various detail parts both inside and outside the train carriage.

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