More Stuff

Thursday, July 25, 2024

What's Been Going On - 3

Since we now have a clock room to display and fix clocks we need a good desk to work on. Enter major project #3. I scoured the internet and found a number of jewelers' workbenches/desk that would be ideal for clocks as long as we were willing to fork out some serious cash. Thinking it through I remembered that we had purchased about 12' of reclaimed tractor trailer flooring. This stuff is made out of maple and is 12" wide (which includes a way to lock into the panel next it) and is made from 2" thick maple strips glued up butcher block style. We also had some spare walnut to create a raised edge to contain anything that decides to go wandering.

I took the 8' piece and ran it through the planer...a lot. I milled off the black undercoat and a good portion of the top trying to get it as level as possible and clean it up at the same time. I cut off 2 43" pieces which fits the space available along with the matching walnut edges.

I glued the two pieces together and filled the big screw holes with 1/2" maple plugs and filled around those. I then proceeded to sand it and sand it and sand it some more. For some reason I had decided that I liked the "character" of the side that saw all the abuse.

I then proceeded to route a rounded edge front edge, both top and bottom.  I also routed the inside and outside edges of the walnut with the same rounded edge. Once all of that was done I screwed and glue the walnut edges (which had also been sanded) on. I counter sunk these holes and will use a 1/2" maple plug to hide the screws. Unfortunately I'm still waiting for those maple plugs, the legs and a new finish that I want to try. So this one has a little way to go before its done.

Desk top, all the initial sanding is done and the front has been rounded off. The walnut edges are in the back.

A quick sanity check to make sure I didn't mess anything up to badly.

The edges screwed and glued in place. Commencing more sanding on the bottom but not to the level of the top.


  1. That is going to be a very nice work desk.

    1. I'm looking forward to using it. The legs just arrived but I'm going to have to assemble it in place because its so heavy.
