More Stuff

Monday, August 26, 2024

Modeling a Model Railroad - Viaducts, three choices

I'm a bit torn at this point. I want to include a viaduct because it will be good practice for the one that will be on the Wynkoop Street layout. However, it has been pointed out that it adds a level of complexity for very little return. Partially because it will not be more than just a rectangular space that needs to be filled.

I'm still dwelling on whether to include it or not at this point. Since the whole point of doing a mock up is to try things out I figured it wouldn’t hurt to continue with the viaduct exercise. I opted for three potential angles and cut out some pieces to match the angles and then built some “legs” for them to see how things looked.

I use coins to mark out the curves on the sides of the viaducts, again just for looks. No serious dimensions, other than height, were used. This is basically how I put together the three viaducts:

After I finished building them, I arranged them to see how things might look:

The small corner viaduct

The middle sized viaduct

And here is the largest viaduct. I'm thinking that if I decide to build the viaduct this is the one I'm leaning towards at the moment.

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