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Carousel Horses

So some finished ones and some unfinished ones that I would like to paint at some point. An average horse takes about 10 days or so to paint because you do have to let the paint dry. I don't think even the dry, high altitude climate helps me in this case either. Figure about 40 hours of painting time.
Primed and ready for paint
Maybe 1/3 Done
Finished! That's my Dad showing off the latest paintjob
My Dad's work is a tribute to the original master carvers. Each animal is his interpretation of another carver's style. The only one I remember though is that the white horse at full gallop is based on a Parker Horse.
The only horse my dad has painted. You may feel the need to chew some gum.


  1. WOW. Fantastic. I always thought that re-painting a traditional rocking horse was going to be an achievement - but even this 'simple' task was too much for me.

    I doff my cap to a master painter.


    1. Thank you! Its the only time I get to use a 2" house brush to paint something. Its not nearly as hard as it appears.
