More Stuff

Railroad Models

First off I'll go with some of the rolling stock. Ultimately I will probably only have between 20 - 25 freight cars for this layout, mostly boxcar and refrigerator cars. Obviously most of these will be ATSF but there will be a few foreign cars as well. My camera was dead so I had to take these with my phone. As you can see I still need a lot of work with my weathering techniques.

Then we have the CF7 workhorses. There are two although I will never need more than one at any given time. Right now these are fresh from the boxes, no weathering.


  1. You wrote: "As you can see I still need a lot of work with my weathering techniques".

    You should not feel bad about your weathering. They look just fine. Keep up the good work and keep up the weathering - it looks great.

    Andrew Martin

    1. Thank you Andrew. I do need to get back to this I haven't lifted a brush on a railroad model in some time now.
