More Stuff

WWI 28mm

Here is the first unit of Marines that I'll be working on. Just faces right now. I have decided that the Brigade Games and Great War Miniatures don't mix well, so they will have to be in separate platoons at this point.

Here we go with painting session #2
USMC Painting Session #3

I'm calling this next one painting session 4 but its really 4 and 5. I painted last night at home and tonight at Troll Country Games. They are very close to being finished at this point. A couple of details to pick out and then the invertible touchup work. I discovered that I didn't have the bases I wanted to use so I'm going to have to order those tonight. Having a bad lamp is not helping my photography skills either.

2nd Platoon, Full P1912/1917

3rd Platoon, Marine Jackets, Army Pants

4th Platoon, Marine Pants, Army Jackets


  1. Looking very good. I have started my 2018 WW1 project using GWM German 1916-18 range followed by the British.

    1. I still need to get my Marines finished, although they are getting closer to being done.
