More Stuff

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lysette finally arrives

Its been a long road but the Lysette miniature has finally arrived. Lysette is the CMPA mascot for Tacticon the smaller of the two gaming conventions here in Denver. The concept art for this piece can be found on the front page of this blog on the right side. She's hard to miss. The original green was sculpted by Gene Van Horne and he delivered that to my hands. While I was kind of touring the local FLGSs she was stolen. Great despondency followed, I'm still not sure why anyone would still a unique green like that, its not like they would ever be able to show it to anyone or cast it without everyone in the Denver Metro area knowing that they had stolen it. However, I digress a bit. Gene was unwilling to do another sculpt so another up and coming sculptor was found that was eager to take a shot, Chad Hoverter.

I think he did a splendid job and I did my best to make sure the uniform was as close to correct as we could make it. It didn't have to be perfect but it did need to be close and there were a number of online discussions to make sure that it looked the part. Anyway she is off being cast now and she should be available by Tacticon. There are two versions of her faithful campanion Louis XIX. One is bigger than the other and that one is sculpted by Chad. The second is a bit smaller and that one was sculpted by Jason Weibe.

I'm looking forward to Lysette finally hitting the streets.

When she is available for sale you will be able to find her here (and no, she is not there yet but while you browse check out the concept artwork for the Russian artillery crew, you will have the option for either horse or line artillery):  Rastl World Minis


  1. Damn find job Kris and it really is horrid that someone would steal a sculpt like that.

    1. I wish I could take credit, but I was really just a consultant on this one. I'm still pretty angry about the theft. He/she can never show it off, even people out of state know she was stolen.

  2. She is lovely, I remember you mentioning the thieving shite!

    1. She came out great! I'm hoping that I might get my hands on a casting this weekend. If I do I'll definitely get shots up. I'll drop everything else to start working on this one. I might even have her ready for the con.
