
Life is short, break the rules. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly. Love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that makes you smile. - Samuel Longhorne Clemens (Mark Twain)

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Warehouse Row - Building #1 - Mounting windows and Doors

This is step that has been a long time in coming and I'm reasonably pleased with the result. Before I started mounting the windows and doors I took a hard look at the sills and lintels. I think the original pieces were to thick and some where decidedly less than "square". I opted to try and reduce the width of each to 3 "bricks". Of course cutting caused some issues with the paper and there were a number of tears, mostly shallow but in one instance I ripped out almost the whole section between the 2nd & 3rd floor windows. I was able to take some of the leftover paper and cover these offending sections up and you really can't see the patches. It was certainly tedious and I'm facing the same situation on the street side wall.

I used super glue to mount everything in place and putty (vallejo in this case, because I had it) to fill the gaps from the backside. I need to find something to impress some detail into the sills and lintels, still scouting through my parts box for something at this point. That is the nice thing about this particular PVC sheets it takes impressions really well.

At this point I had finished trimming all of the lintels and sills to be a bit narrower (3 bricks or about 9"). While most of the ripped paper is pretty small, you can see the large tear on the right side between the 2nd and 3rd story.
At this point I have finished the "patches". I simply took some of the left over brick paper and either replaced the entire area or just cut single strips of bricks and glued everything in place. I'm pretty sure that it will pass muster at this point as its hard to pick out the patches even when you are looking for them.

At this point, I have shortened up all the lintels and sills a bit, they just looked to wide before.

Just another view of the mostly completed wall. The only other thing I could add at this point is the decorative band between the first and second floors. Everything else will have to wait for final assembly.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Warehouse Row - Building #1 - Painting Doors and Windows

Another week of trying to fit in modeling makes progress very slow. With the walls basically finished I felt like I could spend time getting the windows ready. While I tried to be as precise as possible I figure there will be some shimming necessary to get good fits. There are 30 tall 12-Pane double hung windows, 12 short 12-Pane double hung windows, 2 display windows, 1 double door entrance and 3 sets of warehouse doors.

Most of the components are from Tichy, but the smaller 12 pane windows are Grandt Line. I cleaned everything up and headed to the spray booth. I mounted everything with double sided tape to popsicle sticks and then glued those popsicle sticks to the top of the cheap lazy susan I use as a spinner in the booth. I primed everything with Badger Grey Stynylrez grey primer, followed by a brown (Vallejo Panzer Aces but the label is to worn to read the actual color) and then an off white (Vallejo Panzer Aces German White Tanker Crew).

Now everything is ready to install into the walls, just need to find the time to do it.

Popsicle sticks glued to the spinner. There is so much paint built up over the years that they can be pried off without to much effort

Everything in place with double sided tape.

The final color an off white, I would almost call this an antique white.