While I try to figure out a way to create deeper woodgrain
patterns (new tools on the way) on my Battle Flag 28mm Western buildings I thought
I would go to work on some other buildings that arrived about the same time. These
are 15mm WWII buildings from 4Ground. I have been admiring their buildings for
quite a while and I needed some new buildings for my FOW games at the house so
I finally broke down and made an order. Rather than review them one at a time I
figured I would do the whole lot at once. They don't make the building I really want, a corner building. Essentially an L shape with one corner cut at a 45 degree angle. Some sidewalks would be a welcome addition to the line as well.
I ordered and received five buildings and some stone
15-EAW-301 – North West European Hotel/Apartments with Coach
15-EAW-302 – North
West European Semi-Detached House Type 1
15-EAW-303 – North
West European Semi-Detached House Type 2
15S-EAW-103 – Pre-painted North West European Terrace Houses
Type 1
15S-EAW-107 – North
West European Pre-Painted Shops Type 1
15P-TAO-202 – 1.5m of Stone Walling for 15mm Scale
I took construction photos of my progress but that’s a lot
of pictures so I’m just going to post some example shots rather than all 60-70
pictures I managed to take during the process. Essentially the assembly sequence
for each building is the same. There are only a couple of minor variations,
mostly depending on the roof style.
Instructions, for the most part are pretty clear. You
receive a black and white set for the unpainted versions and a color set (with
posters!) for the pre-painted versions. Each set of instructions is written
specifically for the kit you are building, so you don’t have to do any
interpretations or search for the sequence that pertains to your kit. I love
this! However, there are a few errors on the instructions as far as part IDs. If
you are paying attention though you should be just fine, the parts are laid out
on the frames in a logical pattern and the pictures on the instructions are pretty
clear. The instructions rate a solid 4 out 5.
Components, well it’s a laser kit on MDF, there isn’t much
to go wrong here. There are some very delicate parts though. I’m very impressed
with the level of detail that has been included. In particular the shop window
for the 15S-EAW-107 is simply amazing. I’m going for a full 5 out of 5 on the
The pre-painted buildings go together a bit differently from
the unpainted buildings that let my really go to town on the clamps! Essentially
the pre-painted components are mounted to the building carcass which gives you
a lot of depth around the windows and doors. It also makes for a wall that’s
twice as thick. That depth is added to the outside of the building so you don’t
lose any room on the inside. It also means that the pre-painted buildings have “pin”
locators for the upper floors rather than the little squares that have to be
added to the bottoms of those floors in the unpainted versions. Still I prefer
to paint my own so I’m probably going to buy more of the unpainted than the
pre-painted versions.
Like the Battle Flag buildings the ones from 4 Ground are
only engraved on one side so all the parts have a back and a front, take your
time and make sure that you have the engraved side facing outward so you can
see the detail! This is especially true on the pre-painted buildings the
interior carcass contains the detail for the doors and windows so you need to
pay attention to what you are doing. Also for what ever reason I didn't have
any rubber bands in the house and this would have made assembly much easier. I didn't have enough corner clamps to get everything together so I improvised a
lot. A small supply of rubber bands would have made everything go quicker. So
for these kits my clamps didn't help out nearly as much as a few rubber bands
would have.
The stone walls are pretty cool little kits as well. They are
a bit fiddly and you do need to pay attention on the 60mm lengths as there are
a couple of different bases to accommodate the gate sections. A few clamps to
get a good bond are invaluable. Although these came pre-painted I’m going to
repaint them anyway. Mostly because of the dark laser mark on the top edge
which is very noticeable and at least on mine it feels like the color is a bit
washed out and I would like a grayer wall (or maybe brown).
These are great kits and I highly recommend them. I’m
looking forward to getting some paint on them. My airbrush is going to get a
lot of use in the next few weeks as I work my way through the backlog of buildings that are accumulating on my desk.