
Life is short, break the rules. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly. Love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that makes you smile. - Samuel Longhorne Clemens (Mark Twain)
Showing posts with label Willy Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Willy Miniatures. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Painting the Ultimate Halfling Team for Blood Bowl - Session 5 Halflings finished

Spent some time today doing some base work on a couple of different projects including my Halfling Blood Bowl team. I still have the three Treemen to start on but the bulk of the halfling side of the team is finished. So here are the finished shots:

Team Shot

Coach and Chef, these weren't included as part of the team but they were cool so I picked them up.

Halfling #3, Halfling #12 and Halfling #7

Poggy (another extra player), Halfling #4, Halfling #11, and Halfling #10

Halfling #6, Halfling #13, Halfling #8, and Halfling #1

Halfling #14, Halfling #5, Halfling #2, and Halfling #9 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Painting the Ultimate Halfling Team for Blood Bowl - Session 4 painting completed

Still waiting on news from work so I was able to wrap up the painting portion of my Halfling Blood Bowl Team. I'll have to retrieve my basing materials from the house and get started on the three treemen that go with them.

Are are a couple of group shots as well as individual shots. I could have spent a lot more time on these but they are good enough to game with and that's as far as I want to take them.

Poggy, star player

Chef with lunch

Flying halfling (goes with one of the treemen)

Halfling #2

Halfling #1

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Painting the Ultimate Halfling Team for Blood Bowl - Session 3

Work on the Halfling Blood Bowl team was rudely interrupted by a bunch of Marines marching through followed by a quick side trip for some citizens of Calamity. The Marines are ready to prime and Calamity has 8 newly painted citizens.  Before the sidetracks I had painted the halflings about as far as I could with my normal assembly line methods. That was followed by traveling for work, so now its time to hit the picky detail stuff. I have tidied up the red and yellow of all the uniforms and I think I have found all the spots I missed the first time through. Now I'm taking each one individually to finished. I finished three of the tonight; the Coach, Halfling #8 and Halfling #14. I'm using the numbers off of the picture that was posted on Indiegogo just so I had some way of telling them apart. So three done 15 more to go. Well and the treemen, I haven't even started those.

Halfling #8

Halfling #14


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Painting the Ultimate Halfling Team for Blood Bowl - Session 2

This really isn't a session 2 the way I had a session 1. This is the culmination of 3 or 4 days worth of painting, snatching an hour or two here and there. I have managed to finish off the red, add the purple as an accent color and get most of the leather done (I missed a few spots and one entire miniature during the leather process). They are coming along pretty good right now. I love some of the expressions on these guys, they have a lot of attitude. Here's a few pictures of the progress, they are closing in on being done, getting to the fiddly bits now. I haven't even started the three treemen players. I'm kind of at a loss on how to paint them.

I spent some time on another little project as well, but I have to get permission before I can post pictures (and I may not be allowed to).

I love this guy, but I see some paint splatter.