I was getting ready to do some weathering on the sides of the building but I wanted to add some of the final details first. As I thought things through a bit more I decided I wanted to try out a light/dark technique on the sidewalk.
I wanted to work on some techniques out of the "How to Paint with Oils, Ammo Modeling Guide". As with everything else, the pictures make it look simple, the reality is a bit different. The idea is to add some shadow and light variations in what is otherwise a fairly plain concrete surface. I used three different oils for this. From 502 Abteilung ABT170 Light Grey and ABT001 Snow White and from Winsor & Newton Winton Oil Color 24 Ivory Black.
In theory your are placing dots of color on the base and then brushing/blending in the proper direction, so dark brush towards the shadows and light brush towards a more sunny spot. I always have a problem with the blending line and I seem to end up with some rather distinct lines of color in the area where I'm trying to blend colors together.
In the end I think it came out okay. Since I had the grey out I starting trying to fade out the very black roof as well. All of that will need at least a day to dry before I so some additional weathering and add the security doors and hand rails, all of which are pretty fragile, on the outside. I still need to add the cap stones to the edges of roof top as well figure out something for the internal brick edge (still thinking paper brick at this point).
On the Pulp Sci Fi Diorama, I'm still in search of a glue, I may resort to super glue but its my last resort I just don't like working with it.
The oil colors that I used for this process. |
I did this side first, not to bad. |
Way to many black dots, the white and grey are about right I think. |
Starting the blend |
After the blend (a lot of blending). |
Working my way around |
Starting to fade the very, very black rooftop |
Adding a bit more white and trying to keep it from looking quite so uniform. |